4 Reasons Why Long-Form Content is the Better Type of Content

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BY Chris Loomis

Creating long-form content can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, long-form content offers valuable information and more details about a certain topic. Hence, more likely to be trusted by readers information-wise. On the other hand, writing long-form content can be risky too, given the short attention span of most readers nowadays. 

Nevertheless, content is important on websites and social media platforms. But the question is whether you should create long-form content and will it work to boost your brand.


What is long-form content? 

It can be considered as long-form content if an article or blog post has at least 1,000 words. Some say it can be 1,200 words or more, while others think a 700-word article is already long enough. Regardless of the actual word count, one thing is for sure: long-form content has more details and is more informative and “meat” than short-form ones. 

Not everyone may like reading long articles (unless with images and embedded videos). On the other hand, shorter articles and posts tend to be easier in the eyes. However, each of these kinds of content has its pros and cons, too. The latter may not be as thorough, unlike the former, which can be crucial if the reader is looking for detailed information about his query. 


Why long-form content works 

One reason why companies create long-form content is to increase user engagement. Aside from consistent content promotion (through SEO or linking to social media platforms), readers often prefer detailed and valuable content. Longer content means readers tend to stay longer on your website, hence doing good on your SERP ranking


The more complex the topic, the more you need to write long-form content. 

Writing long-form content also depends on the given topic. For example, articles about Marketing, Finance, and Personal Development should preferably have a longer word count due to some terms and processes that need to be thoroughly explained. It can also improve organic reach and rank better in search results. 


It helps promote your brand. 

Creating long-form content also gives you the opportunity to promote your brand. You have your social media pages and your business website. But how are you going to boost your brand if you don’t have any campaign or content to promote? You can also use long-form content to insert and experiment with ads. 


It promotes customer engagement.

A lot of long-form content also enables readers to comment and share their thoughts regarding the post. At the same time, it encourages engagement with the readers and the business owners through feedback and advice. Long-form content is also great to boost your social media presence. 


It makes your content authoritative and trustworthy. 

Long-form content also makes you an authoritative and trustworthy brand. Readers will think that you make extra effort to create content to educate them and that you know what you are talking about. 


The abovementioned reasons tell us how important long-form content is in building brand reputation. Long-form content should also provide valuable information to the target readers, which in turn can also help in better SERP ranking. A digital marketing expert in Franklin TN will help boost your brand and achieve your business goals. 

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