Here’s an Update of How You Should Do Guest Blogging

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BY Chris Loomis

 We all know how blogs are a crucial part of every business website. Not only can it help in boosting website traffic but also tag you as a trusted brand in your respective industry. That is why writing blog posts should be taken seriously because it will do a lot not only for your website but for your brand as well. 

Unfortunately, not all “blog writers” realize the impact of blog posts on a brand’s success. Keyword stuffing is already a thing of the past, and so is guest blog posting. This article will explain what has changed in content creation and search engine trends in the past year. From there, you can revise your digital content strategy and keep up with the ever-changing marketing landscape. 


Guest blogging: Then vs Now 

There’s the traditional blogging on your own business website, and then there’s guest blogging. Back then, guest blogging is done to rank higher in search engines, establish a positive reputation within your respective industry, and gain high-quality backlinks. But competition in ranking has become fiercer, and Google has become stricter with link-building schemes. 

If you are still pitching for guest blogging in exchange for backlinks, you might want to reconsider. Regardless of quality backlinks and being published on a popular website, if it’s not the content your target audience is looking for, then your efforts are in vain. 


Guest blogging: What works and what doesn’t 

The good news is that guest blogging is not yet obsolete. The main purpose of guest blogging is to increase brand awareness and make sure you do it properly. If you want to reach your marketing goals, you should NOT do these in the guest blogging. 


Mentioning brand/product or service name 

This is considered self-promoting and shows that you care more about elevating your brand and not helping your readers. Unless you are asked to share something about your brand and the products you are offering. You can still mention your brand name in the bio section, not on the article itself. 


Adding irrelevant links 

SEO experts suggest using nofollow links when guest posting. Editors also do not like self-promotional links which could compromise their website’s ranking and risk them getting penalized. When you do have to put links, make sure that they will be beneficial to your readers and not only for the sake of link building. 


To make your guest blogging content work, it should be of top-notch quality. Grammatically correct, organized, and caters to your target audience’s needs and concerns. Create educational/informational content that will establish trust and impress your target audience. 

Create sharable content that will establish you as an authoritative brand. People will then also start to share your content and gain new followers. Make sure to engage with your readers in the comments section to further establish a good relationship with them. 


These are important things you need to know when writing guest blogs today. The digital marketing landscape continues to evolve over time and we should keep up with it. Contact a digital marketing expert in Franklin TN for your SEO and digital marketing strategy needs.

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